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The myth of Glycemic Index and what to focus instead

If you were to say that GI is important, you’d be right. But at the same time, you would be focusing only on one area rather than in the whole scenario. Let me explain. It’s not uncommon to hear that people should avoid high glycemic index food since that causes spike in insulin, thus leading

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How many times have you seen or heard someone who (no matter the situation), it seems that there’s just one diet that is the answer to everything? In my decade in the industry, I’ve seen plenty of them. Whether it was that it worked for them as a miracle (that’s how it usually starts), it

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Cutting calories won’t give you results

How many times have you tried losing weight by simply cutting out your calories? If it didn’t go as planned, there’s a simple reason for that. Cutting calories won’t give you results. (Not in the way most people do it, at least). You see, the way most people go about it is that once they

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Hormones vs. calories: which one is the ruler?

It’s said that whenever we talk about calories we disregard hormones. Funny enough, it’s the exact opposite. Energy balance is affected by hormones and vice versa. It’s a matter of influence that goes in both ways, not a one-direction path. What’s more, energy balance is based on certain things like how many calories does your

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What does it take to lose 1 pound per week?

Whenever you have 10+ pounds to lose, you want to make sure you lose all of it as fast as possible. And while it’s possible and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s like trying to fix something that has been happening for years overnight (quite literally). I feel that the insane approach of losing 10+

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3 steps to know if you’re on a real deficit or not

If you’ve tried to lose fat before by cutting more calories and it didn’t work, here’s why. It has nothing to do with whether calories are not the same (spoiler alert: they are… but I can cover that in another post) or if you need to make a bigger deficit to see results. As weird

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Dieting is making us fatter, Here’s why.

Have you asked yourself what happens in your body whenever you diet, yet for some reason, you couldn’t keep the weight off? Well, science shows us that whether we like it or not, it has some negative consequences. In fact, dieting is making us fatter. Why? Studies have shown that only 5 out of 100

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Why losing fat is simpler than you think

f it seems that no matter how hard you try to lose weight with diets or exercise, then let me share something with you. Even when you’ve tried a lot and haven’t seen the results you want (or keep them), losing fat is simpler than you think. Here’s why. You’ve probably heard a lot of

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Are calories in vs. calories out real or BS?

Let me ask you a question, How many times have you heard the saying “not all calories are equal”? I’ve heard it a hundred times (maybe a hundred one with this one). And this saying makes sense. I mean, if you eat 100kcal of avocado (because it’s a healthy fat, right?…) is not the same

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This is what a “diet” really means

Many people go out there saying they are on a diet without paying attention to the real definition. To begin with, let’s explore the roots of the word diet. It comes from the greek diata, which means “a way of living” So this means that when you say “you’re on a diet”, in reality, you

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Not all weight loss is created equal

Do you know why I’d rather lose 3-5 pounds of fat per month than 10+ of weight? Simply because it lets me know that the majority of the weight I lose will come from fat and not other tissues like muscle. There’s this idea that all weight loss is created equal. And they simply don’t

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