Fat Loss coach

How to lose all the fat you want (virtually) On Demand

From 3, 5 10 pounds to 50+ pounds, there is one way to lose all the fat you want. And…

2 years ago

Not all weight loss is created equal

Do you know why I’d rather lose 3-5 pounds of fat per month than 10+ of weight? Simply because it…

2 years ago

What I ate to lose 27 pounds in 4 months (and don’t gain them back)

Whether 27 pounds sounds like a lot or a little for you, what matters is the way I did it…

2 years ago

The myth of Glycemic Index and what to focus instead

If you were to say that GI is important, you’d be right. But at the same time, you would be…

2 years ago

How to get past the tendency of your body to keep the same fat levels

Chances are you have heard about body fat set point before… it’s the tendency of your body to keep the…

2 years ago


How many times have you seen or heard someone who (no matter the situation), it seems that there’s just one…

2 years ago

Cutting calories won’t give you results

How many times have you tried losing weight by simply cutting out your calories? If it didn’t go as planned,…

2 years ago

Hormones vs. calories: which one is the ruler?

It’s said that whenever we talk about calories we disregard hormones. Funny enough, it’s the exact opposite. Energy balance is…

2 years ago

All diets are the same

Not all diets are created equal, but they are all guided towards the same results. And let me show what…

2 years ago

What does it take to lose 1 pound per week?

Whenever you have 10+ pounds to lose, you want to make sure you lose all of it as fast as…

2 years ago