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The truth behind protein powder

There’s this misconception about protein powder out there. Many think it’s somehow magical while others think they can’t see results if they don’t take it on a daily basis. In fact, some people still think there’s this 30-minute anabolic window where if they don’t take it after their workout, they are not maximizing protein synthesis

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Why do people gain weight when eating low calories?

Whether you’re at 1,500kcal… 1,00kcal, or even lower…  there are some cases where you can gain weight (even when you’re eating low calories). Here’s why. In many cases, it’s because whether what you think is a deficit right now for you to lose weight… in reality, your metabolism has adapted to the point that it’s

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This happens when you go so low on calories

Yesterday, someone in a forum asked me a very interesting question. “I have been eating 600 calories or less for a whole year now. I want to reverse my diet according to my BMR 1200. What should I do? I am facing a medical problem because of the low calories lifestyle.” Well, maybe I can

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Why you need to eat more to lose weight

What would you do if I tell you that you need to eat more to lose fat? Doesn’t make sense, I know. You’ve heard a hundred times that to lose weight, you need to reduce your calories (AKA a caloric deficit)… and it’s true as that’s the only way to lose fat (regardless of what

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Carbs or fats? Which one is ideal for fat loss

Raise your hand if you’ve heard at least once that you should eat fewer carbs to lose weight? Now raise your hand if you’ve heard it for fats? Ok, interesting. Well, I got some bad news to share. Whether you’ve tried to cut carbs or fasts out of your diet, it doesn’t really matter. Why?

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How to deal with metabolic adaptations

If you’ve dieted at least once, you have heard the term ‘metabolic adaptation’. It’s a fancy term to explain what happens with your body when doing some changes in your body (like losing fat) and it’s something that will happen to everyone. The thing is… Not everyone knows that 1) it’s normal 2) what to

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Gravity’s law of fat loss

Ignoring this law when losing weight is like ignoring gravity. You can pretend it doesn’t exist or it won’t affect you, but soon enough you’ll be pulled into this law. What is it? The law of thermodynamics. As common and usual you hear this law and how important it is to understand fat loss, many

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This well-known doctor gets debunked

The other day, I was reading some articles in Medium about fat loss. To my surprise, I found a well-known doctor making some posts. But what really caught my attention was one of his articles that he posted 4 years ago, titled “The Useless concept of calories”. It was quite a good article with some

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This is what a “diet” really means

Many people go out there saying they are on a diet without paying attention to the real definition. To begin with, let’s explore the roots of the word diet. It comes from the greek diata, which means “a way of living” So this means that when you say “you’re on a diet”, in reality, you

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Not all weight loss is created equal

Do you know why I’d rather lose 3-5 pounds of fat per month than 10+ of weight? Simply because it lets me know that the majority of the weight I lose will come from fat and not other tissues like muscle. There’s this idea that all weight loss is created equal. And they simply don’t

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