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This is the only way to lose belly fat

“How do I lose my belly fat?” That’s one of the most common questions whenever someone wants to see some changes in their bodies. And I get it… nothing would be better and feeling like all the effort is paying off than to start looking down and get a smile on your face because you’re

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What do you need to do to get your desired weight (for good)?

Quick quiz What do you need to do to achieve your desired weight? Lessen your calories Maintain your calories Add calories Go ahead, take your time… Ready? Ok, so here’s the answer… all of them are wrong! Let me show you why. If you paid attention, there’s no exact information of what your current weight

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3 myths that stop you from losing fat

One of the most common myths of all in the fitness industry is: “People shouldn’t eat carbs. They are the enemy.” Well, I’ve always wondered where they come up with that. Because science says something totally opposite. They have done a lot of research and here’s what they found. It doesn’t matter whether you distribute

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This is what a “diet” really means

Many people go out there saying they are on a diet without paying attention to the real definition. To begin with, let’s explore the roots of the word diet. It comes from the greek diata, which means “a way of living” So this means that when you say “you’re on a diet”, in reality, you

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Not all weight loss is created equal

Do you know why I’d rather lose 3-5 pounds of fat per month than 10+ of weight? Simply because it lets me know that the majority of the weight I lose will come from fat and not other tissues like muscle. There’s this idea that all weight loss is created equal. And they simply don’t

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