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Cutting calories won’t give you results

How many times have you tried losing weight by simply cutting out your calories?

If it didn’t go as planned, there’s a simple reason for that.

Cutting calories won’t give you results.

(Not in the way most people do it, at least).

You see, the way most people go about it is that once they want to start losing fat, they simply cut out either their favorite food, a particular meal, or some type of food (like carbohydrates) and hope that’s the answer for them to lose fat and keep it off.

And while doing anything of the above will get the scale moving down, it will only do it for a couple of days.

That’s where the real issue comes in.

As they don’t know what to do or why is happening, they go out there and cut even more calories (choosing any approach, it doesn’t really make a difference).

The end result?

They get stuck, not knowing what to do and thinking that they can’t lose more weight out of it.

Maybe it’s time to add some cardio sessions to your routine, right?

And yes, it starts moving the balance a little bit…

until you get stuck at a certain number again.

So, what’s the solution?

Simply put, you need to know (and expect) that you will get stuck at some point during fat loss, and it’s a matter of knowing what to tweak to just get over them and keep losing fat.

For many, not doing even a 5% deficit from what they are currently eating is more than enough to keep the scale moving.

The tricky part is that you should know how much you are eating from the beginning so you know what a 5% deficit looks like, otherwise it becomes guessing.

That’s why I recommend counting calories as a way to manage progress (it’s not needed as it can stress some people, but there’s also a way to get around that).

Whatever approach you take…

Make sure you’re measuring something so you can then tweak things accordingly rather than simply cut out more food, your social life or meals from your diet.

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Ivan @ Fitnessthetic

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