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Your won’t trim down your belly by doing any of these

If there’s one area that pretty much everyone (I don’t know anyone who’s the exception) wants to be gone is their belly area.

That’s why they do things like:

  • Cardio (regardless of the sessions you do per week or if it’s HIIT or not).
  • Train abs at least 3 times per week
  • Go crazy low on calories
  • Avoid eating the food they enjoy (any pizza lovers here?)

But what if you were to know that none of these “methods” will trim your tummy area?…

The reason is pretty simple.

There’s only one way to lose that belly for good.

That is, by ignoring the idea of losing localized body fat and focusing on losing fat overall.

In fact, studies seem to show that the areas where fat tends to be more noticeable are the belly, thighs, arms and the “love handles”.

Plus, you may have noticed that the area where you tend to see results the least are in those exact areas where you store more fat (doesn’t mean they are noticeable, but they are not as much as in other areas… like your face).

So what does this mean?

It means you should focus on creating a caloric deficit (it doesn’t have to be aggressive) that lets you lose weight… 

and over time, you’ll see (and everyone else) how that belly is gone.

And you don’t have to eliminate your favorite food to get there, add hours of cardio or starve yourself.

In fact, when you have enough fiber and protein intake… chances are you’ll feel full throughout the day.

I wish the belly would be the first area for people to see the changes, but in many cases, it will be the last one.

And it’s not like there’s a miracle workout to lose it locally.

Simply create a caloric deficit and you’ll be fine. 

I know you may have tried it before and you didn’t see results, but…

It doesn’t mean you should conclude “calories are BS and a waste of time”.

Because all diets are based on these principles… while the macronutrients make the building blocks of any diet you decide to follow.

Something to keep in mind.

If you want more tips like this delivered to your inbox + discover the 3-quick “tweaks” you can make in your diet that force your body to lose more fat, then sign up below:


As cliche as it sounds… never give up!
You’ll get there. I know you will.

Ivan @ Fitnessthetic

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